Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Global Perspectives in Things Fall Apart by...

When I read Things Fall Apart, I had a clear mind of what a life could be like Okonkwo’s. For the rest of the reading, a question was contacting me in different places of the novel. Okonkwo was an angry man in front of his Nigerian tribe and changed when Christian missionaries came to the Ibo village; also, I responded to the book, and my personal applications to a different culture were related to a missionary trip that was a powerful one back in 1956 in Ecuador. As I kept on reading, there was a strong connection between the novel and the Operation Auca missionary trip in Ecuador in 1956. The life of a native like Oknokwo’s and his tribe are rough and can be a problem with the more civilized people in a country. God needed some of†¦show more content†¦Kiaga. ‘You fear that you will die. Why should that be? How are you different from other men who shave their hair? The same God created you and them. But they have cast you out like lepers. It is against the will of God, who has promised everlasting life to all who believe in His holy name. The heathen say you will die if you do this or that, and you are afraid† (pg. 157). As the missionaries grew close with the clan members, the more people began to adapt Christian faith, despite of some aggression. The third location is on pages 160 to 161 where the Christian missionaries were part of killing the sacred python and Okoli killing it. â€Å" ‘They say that Okoli killed the sacred python,’ said one man. ‘It is false,’ said another. ‘Okoli told me himself that it was false.’ Okoli was not there to answer. He had fallen ill on the previous night. Before the day was over he was dead. His death showed that the gods [native Nigerian gods] were still able to fight their own battles. The clan saw no reason then for molesting the Christians† (pgs. 160-161). The final location is on page 190 where some people did not appreci ate the Gospel and the missionaries’ words. â€Å" ‘You can stay with us if you like our ways. You can worship your own god. It is good that a man should worship the gods and the spirits of his fathers. Go back to your house so that you may not be hurt. Our anger is great but we have held it down so that we can talk to you’ â€Å" (pg.Show MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart: The Relationship Between Cultural Relativity and Superiority1352 Words   |  6 PagesBy utilizing an unbiased stance in his novel, Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe promotes cultural relativity without forcibly steering his audience to a particular mindset. He presents the flaws of the Ibo tribe the same way he presents the assets—without either condescension or pride; he presents the cruelties of the colonizers the same way he presents their open mindedness—without either resentment or sympathy. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

How would you perform the role of BottomIn Act 1 scene 2 Free Essays

Bottom is one of the group called the mechanics and he is an important comic character and is the only mortal to enter the world of fairies. In this scene we are introduced to him for the first time and he is one of a band of workmen who offer a complete contrast to the world of fairies that we saw previously. In the scene a group of artisans discuss the play they are going to perform as part of Theseus’s wedding celebration. We will write a custom essay sample on How would you perform the role of BottomIn Act 1 scene 2? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The play is entitled, â€Å"The most lamentable comedy, and most cruel death of Pyramus and Thisbe. Peter Quince takes a roll call of the actors and hands out their parts. Bottom the weaver gets the leading role of Pyramus, which pleases him because he is super-confident of his acting abilities. Bottom’s costume will reflect his status as a weaver, so therefore his costume might be torn or dusty. His dramatic status is important because he is a dominant, full of self-importance and eager to dominate the meeting of this band of amateur actors. I would also make his costume quite colourful, to reflect his happy, enthusiastic and quite over bearing character. My performance would be influenced by my physical appearance and vocal characteristics. I see Bottom as a tradesman in his forties, taller than the others and of portly build, in fact I would want him to be physically larger than life and his accent Devonshire in cadence and with a raucous singing voice. In this scene, my performance would have to reflect the rivalry between Bottom and Quince. In the beginning of the scene, Quince who is in charge, would walk in rather proud, with an upright posture, and with head held high, maybe greeting the workmen by shaking their hands and smiling, as he doesn’t want to make enemies and wants them to do what he requires and to ignore Bottom. He would probably forget to acknowledge Bottom and walk straight past him to put him in his place. Bottom’s first line†¦ You were best to call them generally, man by man according to the scrip,’ shows that despite Quinces dislike for him, and the attempt to lower his confidence, he is still extrovert and larger than life. It was directed to Quince and in playing this part I would make my voice domineering loud and move in close to Quince trying to intimidate him, as he is smaller than me. Quince would also be centre stage, as he is almost the focal point and is meant to be in charge of the other actors, who would be sitting down, looking up to him. Bottom would stand up in order to compete with Quince and try to push him out of the way or maybe stand in front of him to block him completely. My intention would also to get people to like me and to establish a friendship with them by shaking their hands. I would then break off from doing this to say ‘First good Peter Quince, say what the play treats on.. ‘ in a forceful manner and then get closer to Quince, snatching the scroll out of his hand, as if to take over the rehearsal myself. There would be complete scuffle between them as they fight for passion of the script, and this could be created very comically using large exaggerated gestures and their voice could turn into a crescendo, getting louder to get their point across without the other interfering. As bottom I would sound very confident and sometimes almost quite patronising, as if I am talking to people far more inferior to me for example when I say ‘A very good piece of work I assure you, and a merry’ almost as if my opinion is important and worth hearing. Also when I say ‘Now good Peter Quince, call forth your actors.. it would be in a very instructive but condescending tone, emphasising the word ‘good’ as it would provoke an annoyed reaction from Quince. Even when Quince calls out my name, emphasising that I am just a weaver, I would respond enthusiastically, instructing him to tell me my part and to carry on with authority. Quince appears very powerful and ignores Botto m, so Bottom has to re-establish his importance by ordering â€Å"masters spread yourselves’ at this point I would reveal some dissatisfaction and pull up a chair and reluctantly sit down. At this stage I would want my audience to respond, by thinking Bottom a rather loud mouthed bossy individual and have them feel sorry for Quince having to put up with such a disruptive member of the group. When finding out that I am ‘a lover that kills myself most gallant for love’ I will respond very dramatically, telling the actors how the audience will cry, as my acting will be so natural and emotional. I would hold my hands up to my heart to portray this and maybe pretend to hold out a sword to show how brave I am, even though I am just a lover and not a tyrant. I would also suggest other parts such as Ercles or a part to tear a cat in, to show my capabilities, and in doing this I would screw my face up to make me look vicious and claw my hands, frantically moving my arms back and forth as if I am attacking a cat. I can see myself in every role and when I recite my poem I walk around the whole stage, emphasising the words ‘raging’ almost spitting the words out to show my fury, and ‘shivering’ by holding my arms and trembling, with my teeth chattering. I would also push my hands out forcefully, thrusting my body forward, almost as if I was ‘breaking’ the locks of the prison gates. ‘ Quince just ignores him and continues to issue parts to the other actors. I watch when Quince assigns the part of Thisby to the flute, the bellows-mender, which is the other leading role, and when Flute refuses the part as he has a beard coming, my faces becomes animated and delighted as I would love to play that part too, this would be shown by my raised bright eyes and my open mouth. I face Quince, even though he faces away and tell him how I could wear a mask, and speak in a monstrous little voice, where I would raise the pitch of my voice till it Is almost squeaky, and maybe use a feminine characteristic such as playing with my hair or holding out my hand as if I was carrying a basket. When Quince refuses to give Bottom both parts, Bottom doesn’t show any disappointment and tells him to just ‘proceed. ‘ I continue to dominate the discussion and when Quince gives the lion part to Snug, I almost pounce like a lion and curl my fingers up like claws and raw in a deep husky tone. I go towards Quince and aggravate my voice and shout ‘I will roar, that I will do anyman’s heart good to hear me.. ‘ and when I quote what the duke will say, I put on an articulate, upper class English accent when I say’ Let him roar again, let him roar again. ‘ When Quince and the rest of the actors claim that I would scare the duchess and the ladies and they would end up hanging them all, I am not offended at all, and continue to suggest other ways of roaring such as ‘gently as any sucking dove’ and whilst saying this I would say it in a feminine voice with a sweet and innocent expression on my face. When Quince responds, his voice becomes much more stern, and agitated when he says ‘you can play no part but Pyramus’ I will the sulk and sit down on a chair, with my head down and my bottom lip drooping, like a child would do If they were upset. This may make the audience feel a bit sorry for Bottom or they might feel relieved that Quince has finally gained more courage and has power over him. When Quince sees this, he puts on a sympathetic tone and says ‘Pyramus is a sweet-faced man’ lifting my chin up and gently stroking my face. I quickly recover myself by running energetically towards the wooden box filled with wigs and beards and open it rummaging through all the varieties of beards holding up the ones that might suit his character and throwing the ones that were not good behind him. I think Bottom quite likes the fact that Quince is almost pleading to him and saying how much he needs him to play the part and when Bottom says ‘Well, I will undertake it’ he will say it proudly, expecting all the other actors to be relieved. In the end of the scene, when Quince suggests learning their lines the following night and rehearsing in the woods, he emphasises to the actors that they should not fail him. I as Bottom, will stand next to Quince, nodding my head up and down, and looking down at the other actors as I am in charge too and I will announce ‘ we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously’ throwing my fist in the air with excitement and I will also make sure I have the last word when I say ‘hold or cut bow-strings,’ which I will say firmly and sharply with authority. Overall I will try to irritate the actors and the audience, and make them feel sympathetic towards Quince. I also want the audience to realise that although I am very confident and make out that I’m very talented, I am not very good and don’t really have the ability to act other parts, this makes it comical. I will intimidate the other actors on stage to emphasise my authority and I will make sure that I have Quince’s attention throughout the whole scene, so if Quince turns his back on me or pushes me out of the way, I will get in front of his view and I will push him out of the way too. This way the audience can see our relationship clearer. There are lots of different levels of emotion when Bottom is acting and there is a lot of competition between Quince and him. Bottom is a very comical and melodramatic character to play. How to cite How would you perform the role of BottomIn Act 1 scene 2?, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Question: What is Globalization? Explain. Answer: Globalization has hit the world almost few decades ago, and it has affected the business organization largely. The companies that are there in the global market depends often has to go global to sustain in the global competitive market. Thus, to sustain their business in the global market it is important that the organizations go for overseas expansion (Ito and Tanaka 2014). Global trade could actually help an organization to succeed in the global market because it provides the company with numerous opportunities. The overseas expansion of the company, although, means that the organization has to cross several barriers. Therefore, it is important for the organization to keep certain key issues in mind before they move towards overseas expansion of the business. Among all those key issues five most important key issues that one should keep in mind are the following: Choosing the Country: One of the most important and the fundamental issue that the organization should keep in mind in case of overseas expansion is related to choosing the country for expansion. The global market provides the organization with huge number of options. Therefore, there are chances that the organization could come in terms with the trouble. Most of the time, during business expansion, the company receives information about the country, from those parties who have the interest of either, buying, selling or else marketing the business. Thus, most of the time, the organization receives that information that is filled with errors. Thus, before the overseas expansion the organization should go through a detail market research. It would help in identifying the risks in the country and at the same time, it would help in knowing the target customer. Identifying the Customer The success of the overseas expansion depends largely upon the primary and the secondary level of market research (Channon and Jalland 2016). The research will help in knowing whether the product of the business will be beneficial for the customer. It will also help in identifying the customers at the same time. Market research is such a powerful tool that helps in identifying the market that is growing fast. The Culture: It is important for the business to understand the culture as well as the social climate of the place where the overseas expansion of the organization will take place (Hudson 2016). The organization should not only try to penetrate in a new culture but at the same time, it should try to make the culture its own culture (Piekkari, Welch and Welch 2014). Local Competitors: Moving a business overseas has many risks associated with it; because overseas expansion not only means that that the business will penetrate a different culture but at the same time, the business will enter into a region where, different languages are being spoken (Wong 2016.). In such a situation, the local competitors will have their advantage but the organization should try to target the niche first and slowly as they gain experience and reputation, it will become easy for them to target the others. Thus, cultural expansion is one of the most important things that one should keep in mind during overseas expansion. Various Kinds of Business Regulations The overseas expansion of an organization means that the organization will have to go through various business regulation and tax codes. Different kinds of standards are related to labeling and packaging at the same time. The Australia and the New Zealand Bank or the ANZ is an Australian based bank that is operating not only in New Zealand but also at the same time in few regions of the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Europe and in America as well. ANZ started their operation as the Bank of Australia (Anz.co.nz 2016). The News Corporation Ltd of Australia is a company that has been founded by Rupert Murdoch in the year, 1957. During this time, the New Corporation Ltd was known as the News Ltd. Slowly, the company grew into the New Group and today it is known as the New Corporation Ltd, and it operates in places like London, New York, and New Zealand (Limited 2016). Geert Hofstede is the most important person, who believed that the culture of the workplace could affect the operations that are being carried out. Culture is not something that is being inherited; rather it is being learned from a particular group, staying within a particular boundary (Gallant 2013). In one country, there can be existence of more than one culture, as is the case with India and Africa. Thus, the culture of the organization could influence the operations of an organization in more than one way.Culture Influencing the Operation within an Organization The Index Related to Power Distance The particular index deals with the relationship that is there between the less powerful and the powerful members in an institution or in an organization (Hofstede2014). The index particularly deals with the fact that how the less powerful within the institution, expect or accept the unequal distribution of the power (Hofstede 2015). For example, the power distance index states that Australia scores very low in the power distance index since the relationship between the manager and the employees within an organization is informal. The managers rely on the team, the communication that is there between them is informal, and at the same time, it is direct. In case of India, things are completely different from Australia, because Indias score is quite high, in the power distance index. India is a country that depends on the paternalistic relationship, and thus communication that is being carried out is formal. Instead of relying on the team, the managers expect a complete obedience from the team. Thus, if an Australian organization decides to move their business in India then they will have to keep in mind the cultural differences that could have an effect on the workplace. Effect of Individualism A society that is individualistic in nature is concerned only about the self and the direct family that is associated with it. In case of the collectivist society, things are different because, here the social groups here are more important, than the individuals in the society are. The score of Australia in the individualism index is 90, whereas the score of India in the individualism index in 48 (Hofstede and Hofsted 2014). Thus, India is a collectivist society, whereas Australia is individualistic in nature. Masculinity Index The society that is masculine in nature giving more importance to the winners and the masculinity score of Australia is 61(Hofstede 2014). Thus, Australia is masculine in nature, where importance is given to success as well as to the achievements in life. India too has a high masculinity score, which is 56, and in fact, India projects herself as a masculine country. Uncertainty Avoidance Index The particular index helps in assessing how different culture, reacts to the unexpected and the unknown. Australia, in this particular index has an intermediary score that is 51. India on the other hand, has a low score of 40, which proves that Indian culture is tolerant in nature (Geert-hofstede.co 2016). The people accept whatever is there in the future. Moreover, The Indian culture also accepts the rules, follows the rules, and does not questions why there are the rules. Technology Change has Brought Change in Landscape of Operating Overseas Technologies play an important role in an organization, and especially in case of any innovation, the organizations owes much to the technologies that are there in the country. In case of the developing countries innovation, is important (Lawlor 2016). The overseas expansion of the organization helps in the growth and the development of the developing countries. The traditional way of conducting a business has gone through a rapid and dramatic change with the introduction of the globalization. Today if a company has an access to the innovative services or product then it will not be impossible for the organization, to market their product or services globally. Globalization therefore helps the organization in expansion but at the same time, globalization also poses many challenges towards the organization. The challenges arises because different countries have different kinds of cultures, socio-economic background, food habits, languages and along with it there are problems, related to the demography and the business regulations that are there in a country. The concept of Think Global Act Global helps the multinational corporations so that they could easily adapt within a particular market. It is true that there are difficulties that the multinational organization faces, while adapting them in an individual market. The particular concept helps in overcoming those difficulties. Therefore, it is important to accept the con cept Think Global, Act Local, because it helps the organization in more than one way. Importance of the concept Think Global Act Local The competition that is there in the global market is quite different from the competition that is there in the local market. The difference between the countries and the difference between their cultures create the difficulties, which most of the companies that is moving their organization overseas have to face. The market of the different countries of course creates advantages for the organization but also at the same time, there are certain disadvantages associated with it. The concept Think Global Act Local is more a strategy than a concept. The particular strategy helps the organization, so that they could come up with a global vision. The organization has to make sure that the global visions are not at all rigid. One has to make sure that the global vision of the organization is flexible because different countries have different cultures. (Verma, Gupta and Nangia 2016) Therefore, consumer behavior and the consumer expectation changes, because different countries have different cultures, which has the influence on the population or on the consumers of that particular country. The concept Think Globally, Act Local helps in satisfying the local customers, who are there in each country. Every multinational corporations, has the vision of gaining profit, or rather it can be said that the profit maximization is the foremost aim of the organization (Dudovskiy 2012). The strategy or the concept Think Global, Act Local is such a concept or a strategy that helps in fulfilling this particular aim and the objective that almost every organization have. The American company McDonalds has been wisely using the concept or strategy. The particular company is an American based company, but today McDonalds is having 33,500 restaurants or outlets (Joining the Groundswell 2014). These outlets are operating or rather they are located in 119 different countries. It is possible for McDonalds to be in the top because McDonalds offers local menu in the local market. Thus, the foo d offered by the company differs from one country to another. In fact the way McDonalds has marketed them in different countries, are also different from one another. In countries like India, where there are people of different culture and people from different background, there McDonald has introduced Maharaja Mac. In India, there are many people such as the Jains, Hindus Muslims, who refuse to eat pork, beef and there are people who do not even eat meat. Thus, Maharaja Mac, in this country is such a dish, which based either on vegetable nuggets or on the mutton. The way McDonalds promote or market their product is different from the way other organization promotes their products or services. McDonalds, therefore, standardize the brand name, although they localize various advertisement campaigns (De Mooij 2013). In case of East Asia while promoting their brand McDonalds use the children or rather promote their brand through the children. It has been seen that this type of promotio n has turned out to be effective for the success of the organization in that particular region. Another company, Starbucks, has also adopted the strategy of Think Global, Act Local, although the strategy is different from the strategy that is being taken by McDonalds. Starbucks has not brought any changes in their menu. Rather Starbucks is a company that has change the design of their coffee shop in order to adopt with the local culture of the country. Thus, different, countries have different designed coffee shops, but the taste of the coffee shops is same in all the coffee shops that are in various organizations. The managers of the organization while going through overseas expansion has to go through various kinds of staffing challenges; and there are more than one kind of staffing challenges that are being faced by the managers of the organizations. Some of the challenges that are being faced by the organizations are discussed here. Communication Problem The communication problem is one of the serious staffing problem or a challenge that is being faced by the organization. The communication problem arises mainly because of the cultural differences that are there between the organization and the workforce of a particular country (Florida 2014). The cultural differences actually lead to misunderstandings between the two groups and to avoid such problems, it is important, to have an international team as well. The Hierarchical Structure in an Organization Countries like India and China follows a hierarchical structure within an organization. In case of a hierarchical structure the workers, has some clear and definite roles and they follow the instruction of their authority or the managers. It is something that is in stark contrast with the structure that is there within a western organization. In a western organization the managers, instead of instructing the work force, allows the employees to take initiative at the same time. Thus, the structure of the organization could often lead to serious staffing challenges for those employers who are going overseas expansion. Policies and the Legal System The recruitment of the staff of the host country depends on the policies and the regulations that are being followed by the country. Different kinds of countries, has different kinds of labor laws and policies (Farndale, Pai, Sparrow and Scullion 2014). The difference in the labor laws and the policies poses as challenge for the overseas expansion of the organization. The overseas expansion of the organization depends on the smooth working of the workforce. The efficient working of the workforce depends on providing proper training to the people working in the organization (Pieterse 2015). Therefore, to ensure, that the workforce of the organization has to put an end to favoritism. It is one of the fundamental and the first step, towards, providing the right training to the people working in the organization.The managers of the organization should try to develop their managerial skills as well. Along with developing the managerial skills, the managers of the organization should come up with such planning within an organization, which would help the employees of the organization to gain in-house training (Karadjova-Stoev and Mujtaba 2016). The managers or the executive of the organization should try to identify the skill gaps of the employees. Therefore, the managers of the organization should follow these few things, to ensure that the staff receives appropriate level of training; and be a part of the global workforce. References Anz.co.nz. (2016). Banking with ANZ | New Zealand's largest bank | ANZ.Bailey, C., Knepler, B. and Vanlombeek, P., 2015. Creating flexible global brands in federated organisations: A case study from a global not-for-profit. 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